Oryza Tag Line: An integrated database for the functional analysis of the rice genome

General informations
ℹ️ Description:Oryza Tag Line consists in a searchable database developed under the Oracle management system integrating phenotypic data resulting from the evaluation of the Génoplante rice insertion line library.
🏷️ Keywords:DNA
🏛️ Organization:CIRAD
🏠️ Website:http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/OryzaTagLine/
Identifiers informations
🥇 Preferred prefix:otl
🔣 Identifier Regex:A[A-Z]+\d+
📋️ Example Identifier:AGFC04
🗜️ Template URL:http://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/OryzaTagLine/cgi-bin/general_mutant.pl?line=$id