The localization and quantitation atlas of the yeast proteome

General informations
โ„น๏ธ Description:The data presented here is a result of systematically tracking the localization and abundance of 5330 yeast proteins at single-cell resolution under three different stress conditions (DTT, H2O2 and nitrogen starvation) using the GFP-tagged yeast library
๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ Resource type:dataset
๐Ÿ›๏ธ Organization:Weizmann
๐Ÿ ๏ธ Website:http://www.weizmann.ac.il/molgen/loqate/
Identifiers informations
๐Ÿฅ‡ Preferred prefix:loqate
๐Ÿ”ฃ Identifier Regex:^\d+
๐Ÿ“‹๏ธ Example Identifier:1001
๐Ÿ—œ๏ธ Template URL:http://www.weizmann.ac.il/molgen/loqate/gene/view/$id