HOMD Sequence Metainformation

General informations
ℹ️ Description:The Human Oral Microbiome Database (HOMD) provides a site-specific comprehensive database for the more than 600 prokaryote species that are present in the human oral cavity. It contains genomic information based on a curated 16S rRNA gene-based provisional naming scheme, and taxonomic information. This datatype contains genomic sequence information.
🏷️ Keywords:genome, microbial
Identifiers informations
🥇 Preferred prefix:homd.seq
🥈 Alternative prefixes:homd.seq
🔣 Identifier Regex:^SEQF\d+$
📋️ Example Identifier:SEQF1003
🗜️ Template URL:http://www.homd.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=GenomeList&file=index&link=detailinfo&seqid=$id