The ALlele FREquency Database

General informations
ℹī¸ Description:ALFRED has been designed to make allele frequency data on anthropologically defined human population samples readily available to the scientific community and to link these polymorphism data to the molecular genetics-human genome databases.
🗃ī¸ Resource type:dataset
🏷ī¸ Keywords:classification, genome
🏛ī¸ Organization:ALFRED
🏠ī¸ Website:
Identifiers informations
đŸĨ‡ Preferred prefix:alfred
đŸ”Ŗ Identifier Regex:[A-Z]+\d+
📋ī¸ Example Identifier:LO362836C
🗜ī¸ Template URL:$id

📆 Entry last updated on January 19, 2022 by Michel Dumontier